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Soutenons l’initiative du comté de Suffolk-Long Island, près de New York
Texte original en anglais à la fin
Please post far and wide as this is finally coming to fruition. There is a public hearing for a law to ban geoengineering on Suffolk County, LongIsland, scheduled for December 6, 2011. The location and time will be posted on www.longislandskywatch.com this week. Please post on your websites and make public aware to inform as many people as possible to attend even if you don’t live on Long Island. For those of you who have extensive email contacts, please forward this information. It is imperative that we PACK the hearing so our officials know we are serious. Without support at the hearing, this law proposal will be tabled indefinitely. As always, I appreciate all of your help…..I also gratefully add that Rosalind Peterson’s time, knowledge, guidance and grace made this all possible……..
Cindy, Jim, Siobhan
Legislator Ed Romaine who is a member of the First Legislative District of Long Island and is on the Environment, Planning & Agriculture Committee of Suffolk County Legislature is putting forth a proposal to create a law to stop anyone/anything from dispursing ALUMINUM OXIDE, BARIUM, SULFUR, AND SALTS into the air over Suffolk County. In order for this proposal to become law, the assigned committee must vote for it to have a public hearing on December 6th, 2011. This hearing would take place in Riverhead (address to follow) at 2:30 pm. Please start calling your local legislators NOW and inform them of the proposal that is being submitted on November 22, and that you expect them to vote for a public hearing on December 6th. Here is a link to our Suffolk County Legislators and their contact info: http://legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/legislators.html
If this proposal becomes law in Suffolk County, LongIsland, it would be the first in the nation. It would be a starting point for others to follow. Eventually, our governments would have to investigate why our trees are dying in record numbers; why our waters contain toxic levels of aluminum, barium and strontium; why 90% of us are vitamin d deficient; why our crops are failing; and where all of this crazy weather is coming from. As weather modification is now traded on the stock exchange and you can buy and sell snow, there are many questions that our officials need to investigate and answer. NOW IS THE TIME GET OFF OUR KNEES!!!!!
Oui ,votez une loi pour interdire les chemtrails qui empoisonnent votre air ,eau, sol et contaminent votre alimentation .
oui votez une loi pour interdire les vaccins obligatoires car le poison sera le vaccin .
Oui votez une loi pour interdire de pucer les populations qui est une atteinte à la liberté des peuples .
Organisme génétiquement modifiés, sida ,chemtrails ,codex alimentarius, tout ceci a été crée par les memes commanditaires qui ont pour habitude de perpétrer le mal , de s’enrichir, et de vouloir asservir les peuples des nations .
Oui votez une loi pour interdire toute forme de dictature
oui votez une loi pour protéger les cultures bio et naturelles qui appartiennent à tous les peuples .
oui votez une loi qui interdit à des multinationales de s’approprier le vivant et les semences
leur but et de vous faire payer cher tout ce qui était gratuit à l’origine en validant des cultures brevetéés .
Pour rester en bonne santé manger des cultures bio et naturelles et soigner vous avec les propriétés des plantes .
Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial est en marche .